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The Virtue of a Good Leader Is to Bring a Successful Conclusion

The Virtue of a Good Leader Is to Bring a Successful Conclusion


Editor-in-chief Ahn So-hyun



‘Keep in mind that no matter what happens, I must take all the responsibility.' That was a quote from Anthony Robbins. In fact, 'responsibility' is a very heavy thing. Now, as I am writing this editorial, the most important responsibility for me is to lead 'The Woeseong Times' well. The reason Anthony Robbins' words were most impactful to me was that whatever happens to our newspaper company, whatever my actions are, all the responsibility and arrows come back to me.

I have to publish a total of seven newspapers during the year that I am in charge. In fact, I am only half way through because only three papers have been published so far. I looked back on the three published issues during the summer vacation. Did I do well? Others will say I did well because they only see the results. But no-one else understands the work and effort that went in to the process of publishing those editions. I was more worried than anyone else because I had to take all the responsibility even if a very small problem occurred. In addition, communication with members was also very important. Each position is different and each position has different interests. There are really supportive reporters who help me, but sometimes there are people who give me a hard time.

There are some things I have to do by myself while working, but the majority of my work involves working with others. In that case, we can criticize each other, but we often see each other making excuses and placing the blame on others for their mistakes. However, when you have to solve a problem, if you think of yourself first, things can be solved well. Of course, self-confidence is important, but it is more important to solve it in my current position. When there is something that does not work out in my life, the quote I mentioned earlier in this article makes me look back on it. When you blame others, there is no end and you will continue to fall into confusion. This is because other people's thoughts are an area that no one can look into. But looking back on myself makes me feel at ease. That is not to say that you should never blame yourself. Looking back on myself and reflecting will be an opportunity for me to change and grow. I will continue to take responsibility for my role and I think that is the essential virtue of a leader.

BUFS2022. 9. 6조회수208