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사이트 내 전체검색
Rapid Antigen Test(RAT) and PCR test

Rapid Antigen Test(RAT) and PCR test

1. If you have symptoms, you should buy a RAT kit and do it by yourself (pharmacy, convenience store).

If you are infected with COVID-19, let your homeroom teacher know immediately.  

2. If you have positive RAT results, go to the health center immediately for a PCR test. 

Take your passport & ARC and seal your RAT kit with you. 

금정구 보건소(Geumjeong-gu Public Health Center )

You can do the rapid antigen test & PCR test at the Geumjeong-gu public health center.

* Adrress: 1777, Jungang-daero, Geumjeong-gu, Busan)

* Weekdays & Saturday : 9 am~11:50 am / 2 pm~5:50 pm (12 pm~2 pm closed)

* Sunday & Holidays: 9 am~12:50 pm

※ What I have to say?

The result of my RAT result is positive. I'd like to have a PCR test.

제 자가키트 결과가 양성이에요. PCR 검사 받고 싶어요.



3. After taking a PCR test, stop by the dorm office and let them know you are positive(RAT result) and ask yourself if there is a room to quarantine. If you are infected, your roommate should follow all the procedures written here.

4. Please let me know through Kakao Talk channel as soon as the PCR result comes out. http://pf.kakao.com/_mRNeK/chat

5. There are not many quarantine spaces in the dormitory. If there is no room to quarantine in the dormitory, you should look for an accommodation to quarantine yourself. Costs are not supported.

BUFS2022. 3. 18조회수1,321